Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL

Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL – High Quality Flooring – 501 South Weber Road – Unit 106 – Call 708-971-8850

Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL

Installing Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL offers multiple benefits for your interior spaces. From the timeless, classic appeal of this popular option to the lasting and durable foundation it provides, it’s no surprise so many homeowners enjoy their hardwood flooring. However, as with any part of a home, frequent use does eventually take a toll. Perhaps you purchased an older home and the floors are starting to show some indications of wear. Regardless of the causes, a few common signs will inform you when it’s the right time for an upgrade. Watch for these signs that your hardwood floor is ready for replacement:

-Your floors have been refinished several times. A big upside to installing Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL is that refinishing them over the years is a great way to restore their initial, beautiful aesthetic as an alternative to replacement. Refinishing entails sanding the wood surface down and then applying a layer of sealant or stain. It’s effective for eliminating minor dents and scratches. However, sanding too frequently can wear on the floor to the point it becomes too thin, not as structurally strong and more vulnerable to cracks. If your floor has received multiple refinishes, consider installing a new floor.

Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL

-Large markings and scratches. From the movement of pets and kids to rearranging tables and chairs, scratches are pretty difficult to completely avoid on hardwood floors. A scratch here and there isn’t too troubling, but you may want to consider installing a new hardwood floor if there are scratches covering large sections. Also, watch for large gouges and particularly deep scratches in the wood. If they are too deep, they may actually penetrate through the stain. Consequently, that can leave your floor susceptible to moisture damage. Small liquid spills can even result in damage if they soak into the wood under the stain.

-Water damage. Engineered wood tends to be even more water resistant than solid wood. However, both varieties are vulnerable to warping, stains or other markings from moisture. A quality stain or sealant will prevent spills from seeping into the floor. If your home incurs flooding or plumbing leaks, however, it can result in significant damages. Water exposure can cause the wood to warp or separate, which are among the top signs that a floor is ready for replacement.

-Too much wear and tear. Its ability to withstand lots of foot traffic and activity is among the most beneficial aspects of your beautiful Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL. Because they are manufactured from a naturally-occurring material, hardwood floors are tough and long-lasting. But like any natural material, they’ll begin to show signs of wear eventually. Particularly in spaces that receive lots of traffic like entrances or living rooms.

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The stain is typically where you can spot the first indicators of wear on your flooring. Once the stain begins to fade or wears away entirely, refinishing can effectively bring back its initial appeal. However, faded, worn down stain can result in problems like warped, splintering boards. Both are signs of a floor that should be replaced with new Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL.

If you are seeing any of these signs on your wood floors, call High Quality Flooring today. We can schedule an estimate on installation a beautiful, new hardwood floor in your home that will provide an instant upgrade – and last for many years to come.

Another key advantage to Hardwood Flooring Aurora IL is they are very easy to maintain and clean. You can simply sweep, steam-clean or vacuum to quickly remove dirt and dust.

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